EcoShot Intro Overview

EcoShot Intro Overview

Starter information for EcoShot Intro

Welcome to EcoShot Intro, the free-to-use version of EcoShot, now with:

Watch video here

For full EcoShot installation instructions, please read the Getting Started with EcoShot Intro documentation. Or jump right in by registering here!

EcoShot Intro is a software plugin with a selection of models from EcoShot's full library of models and poses. Not only do you have access to unlimited previews, but also 5 free, hi-res EcoShot Image credits.

EcoShot Intro gives VStitcher users an introduction to the 3D garment-on-model photography creation capability that can be enjoyed using EcoShot, the full-feature product. Users will be able to dress, style, and create photos of models wearing 3D garments directly on their computers, via the VStitcher interface.

From the EcoShot model library, all 34 models (female, males and children) can be enjoyed with EcoShot Intro. See the Model Poses tab on the Image Hub.

Once the EcoShot Intro plugin is downloaded, each of the models will be available in the software as an avatar with a corresponding undressed photograph (in underwear). Once the avatar has been dressed in a 3D garment, a Preview image of the dressed model can be generated using the menu option within the Plugin.

You can create and share as many Preview images as you wish. Please note that you are required to keep the EcoShot logo for attribution and observe the Acceptable Use Policy.


To start using EcoShot, follow the instructions in the Getting Started with EcoShot Intro section