Nadaljuj z učenjem z Tronog d.o.o.. Zbirajte točke na forumu ali na platformi za e-učenje. S temi točkami boste dosegli nove range.
Kako si zaslužim značke?
Ko končate tečaj ali dosežete mejnike, prejmete značke.
Kako lahko dosežem več točk?
Več točk lahko dosežete z odgovarjanjem na kvize ob koncu vsake vsebine tečaja. Točke lahko zbirate tudi na forumu. Sledite tej povezavi do smernic foruma.
10000 točkas -
2000 točkas -
500 točkas -
100 točkas -
1 točkas
Poleg tega, da si z vprašanji in odgovori pridobivate ugled,
prejmete tudi značke za posebno pomoč.
so prikazane na vaši profilni strani in v vaših objavah.
Dobro opravljeno
Svoje delo ste odlično opravili.
Growth Guru
For showing exceptional dedication to personal and professional growth, especially at developing new skills.
Master of Multitasking
For handling multiple Projects or Responsibilities seamlessly
Trusty Teammate
For being always reliable and supportive to team members.
Innovative and Creative Thinker
For coming up with fresh, impactful ideas and unique perspectives.
Flexibility Award
For adjusting easily to new roles, tasks, or challenges.
Client Connector
For building strong, lasting relationships with clients.
Smile Specialist
For consistently bringing joy to the workplace
Dependability Star
For being trustworthy and dependable on tasks and deadlines.
Mentorship Maestro
For actively guiding and mentoring others.
Launch Legend
For leading a successful project or product launch.
Data Dynamo
For excelling in data analysis or data-driven projects.
Focus Forerunner
For maintaining high standards, adhering to processes, and stayin focused on long-term goals, setting an example of reliability and dedication for others.
Support Superstar
For always willing to lend a hand, sharing knowledge, and creating a positive, supportive work environment for everyone around.